We have all related phones and their accessories in stock.

Value for money

Our product selection guarantees value for money

Regular Discounts

We offer discounts to our customers

After-sale Support

Online support available on chat and phone

Delivery Available

Delivery available at affordable cost

Kool Phones Ltd is a Kenyan owned company in the business of IT and communication products. Kool Phones operates within Nairobi at Lower Ground Floor at Sarit Centre.

Communications is one of the fastest growing industries in the world and Kool Phones ltd compliments the industry as leading suppliers of quality handsets and accessories.

Built on the foundation of providing the best deals and premium service to customers, Kool Phones Ltd continues to grow from strength to strength, with a loyal customer base who receives the latest products and best deals every day.

We have all related phones and their accessories in stock. Anything required in this sector we supply. Visit us and make your order today.